Saturday, 24 May 2014

5 Signs You are Left Brained Person

Signs You are Left Brained Person
Scientists are yet to uncover all secrets that the human brain has. There are endless avenues that exploring the human brain could open up. However, some things are already known. You may have heard that the brain is primarily divided into two parts. This hemispherical division makes the brain comprise the left side and the right side. While the left side is the rational or logical side, the right side is the creative and imaginative side. Notwithstanding the debates and arguments as to which side is superior, each one of us is equipped to use any one side of the brain more profusely than the other side. While the right side of the brain is mostly used for imagining, believing in things and subjective thinking, the left side of the brain determines how rational and logical our thoughts and beliefs are. Listed here are 5 signs that you are a left brained person.

1. You are good with grammar

If you love the languages and are quite good at grammar, then you are a left brained person. Left brained persons are good with languages; they love to learn new languages, and are quite adept at picking them up quickly. If this sounds like you, they you are mostly a left brained person.

2. You are great at analytical thinking

Are you good at analytical and critical thinking? Do you always try to analyze things and think about them too gravely than needed? If such is the case, then you are a left brained person. Left brained people are more into rationalizing things than right brained ones.

3. You always think logically

Not everyone can think logically about everything. Most of the times we are driven by our emotions and more so in the case of right brained people. But if you tend to think things logically and not get unnecessarily driven by your feelings, then you are undoubtedly left brained. You have the inclination to do things because you need to do them or because they will be profitable in some way or the other, rather than do them just for fun or just because you simply love to do them.

6 Tips to Be a Lover Not a Fighter

6 Tips to Be a Lover Not a Fighter
Are you a lover – of people, of nature, and of life? Or are you a fighter? If you are the former, then you are among the lucky few. On the other hand, if you fall in the latter category, we have just the list for you. Read on for tips to move from being a fighter to a lover.

1. Learn to forgive

Be it any aspect of your life, if you hold on to grudges and all those people who have wronged you, then you will never be able to have inner peace. Being a lover requires immense patience and the great quality of being able to forgive easily.

2. Live in the present moment

This is another way of saying that you need to let go. If you keep living in the past, you will either have grudges or regrets. Being full of such negative feelings will never let you be a lover. You must realize that the present moment has immense power and can lead to a wonderful future. If you live your present moment to the fullest, then you will harbor loads of positive feelings and will be able to spread the love.

3. Be responsible for your own happiness

If you keep having high expectations from others, then you are bound to face disappointments in life. It is essential that you realize that you are the only one responsible for your happiness. The moment you stop expecting from others, you will have less arguments and conflicts with them. Find that inner contentment and learn to find joy in life’s simple pleasures

4. Love yourself

If you always keep putting yourself second, then you will eventually feel that you have been unfair to yourself. You cannot give what you don’t have. If you do not love yourself, then you cannot love anyone or anything. The kind of relationship that you have with yourself reflects how you are with the world. Learn to forgive yourself, give your body the attention it needs, and make time to do things that make you genuinely happy.

5. Learn to see the good in all

We all have our flaws and it is often easier to hate someone or fight with someone by pointing out their flaws. But you must realize that you have the choice to see the good in people as well. If at all times, you focus on their good and the goodness around you, then you will be at peace. It will becomes effortless for you to love all that is around you. However, developing this quality can easily take a lifetime and you must remember that there are no shortcuts here.

6. Take responsibility for your actions

If you always keep putting the blame on others every time you fail, then you will forever be full of hatred. To be a lover, you have to know what flaws you have. You must learn to hold your head up and own up to the wrongs that you have done. Not only will this make you humbler, it will also make it impossible for you to judge others based on their flaws.

8 Tips to Take Control of Your Marriage

Photo Courtesy: 4774344sean  ©
No matter how much in love you were when you took the vows, there comes a time in every marriage when you need to take stock of where you both might have gone wrong. You must understand that no marriage is perfect and it requires a lot of patience and hard work to make it work. We give you some of the ways in which you can take control of your marriage.

1. Talk

Almost all kinds of problems that happen in a marriage stem from lack of effective communication. The good news is that most problems that you are facing in your marriage can be resolved if you just talk them out. Make a note of all that is wrong with your marriage and sit with your spouse to discuss things. Be honest about your feelings and make the effort to explain yourself. Such heart-felt conversations that are aimed at making the marriage work can lead to wonderfully positive results.

2. Try new things together

Many a times, you may feel that the marriage has lost its charm and there is nothing left to discover about each other. By trying something new together you will feel the excitement and adventure coming back to your otherwise monotonous life. More importantly, you will be creating new and wonderful memories for the future.

3. Share your fears and dreams

When you have been married for a long time, you may forget how full of hopes and dreams you both were when you started dating. It would really help your marriage if you take the time to share your fears and dreams with your better half. This will make you hopeful about a future that you both want to imagine for yourselves.

4. Remind yourself of the good times

When your future as a married couple seems to be in trouble, you must make efforts to rekindle your love for each other. It always helps to remind yourself of why did you fall in love with each other in the first place. You can try thinking of the good memories that you two have shared and how happy you used to be in the past. This will help to look at each other’s positives and focus on all that is good.

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