Dramatic improvements in test procedure for uterine cervical cancer could save the lives of thousands of women. This test gives results a day and is much more accurate than the test currently used to mark the first signs of the disease, researchers reveled in a new study.
The other advantage of the new test is that patients may need to be released after five years rather than every three years. Researchers believe that cytology provides a third of all cases of cervical cancer.
But unlike the spot checks for abnormal cells, the newer test called the Cobas test is able to identify the human papillomavirus that causes unusual cell growth. Therefore, the researchers believe it may pick up the cancer earlier and more consistent. Women would be able to obtain results the following day.
Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in young women and there are thousands of new cases each year. But often diagnosed late because survival rates are much lower than other types of cancer. Since the 1980 all women over twenty-five is recommended to have a cervical smear every five years.
The new Cobas which is developed by Roche drug is similar to a Pap test. This test analyzes a small sample of cells from the cervix of a woman. Then, some researchers Cobas machine for some HPV strains known to cause cervical cancer.
These women have found that the virus would be referred to the following test to determine whether tumors had developed. In a trail conducted in more than forty-seven thousand women over thirty years of age by U.S. and British researchers, found the HPV virus collected in the ten patients who had given the green light after a test .
Up to one third of women diagnosed with cervical cancer smears were normal. They believe that this new test could detect cancer in the vast majority of women, said Dr. Thomas Wright, of Columbia University in New York.
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