Chronic muscle ache if Eased-through yoga
A new study found HAS That People Who Suffer the provided bread That causes all the body-through Could Relieve Their symptoms by practicing yoga. The requirement Called FM (Fibromyalgia) is a chaos Which causes tiredness and extensive musculoskeletal bread, Which is Believed to affect millions of adults worldwide.
The Sufferers struggle with aching muscles and medication therapies are only thirty percent in easing the symptoms Effectual of the condition. The research team from Oregon Health & Science University investigated if Sufferers of FM practicing yoga along Showed Treatment With Their normal more improvement Compared to control group of Sufferers.
The research team Carried out a study trail is eighty percent of women Because FM Sufferers are women. In twenty-five trail study female participants take part in Yoga Awareness program while twenty eight received standard Treatment. Pain, fatigue, emotional distress and sleep disturbance Were To Be Addressed tackled by yoga.
Each session of gentle yoga program include stretching postures, breathing and mindfulness meditation technology. Both groups then the Were Evaluated for FM symptoms along with physical tests. The results Showed That Women Who Followed yoga program Showed Far Greater improvement in symptoms and Their moods.
Though yoga has-been practiced for Millennia, Researchers Have Merely newly commenced to show effects of yoga on people Suffering importunate bread. The results of the pilot study offer Promising Preliminary Support for the beneficial effects of yoga in patients with FM, Explained study leader Dr. James Carson.
He added That the Proposed Findings That yoga intercession escorted to move in a year how advantageous Sufferers cope with larger bread Including use of adaptive handling bread Policies like positive reassessment, Reported the study published in the newspaper Pain.
The blood test results of ectopic pregnancy can save the family
In a new study, researchers have developed a screening of blood for ectopic pregnancy that could save thousands of infertile women. life threatening condition can be diagnosed in one day thanks to this test, instead of several weeks. Ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fetus implants outside the uterus, usually in a fallopian tube.
the child can be saved from ectopic pregnancy, but if conditions are diagnosed in time can be bad for the mother. New blood test will allow physicians to intervene early to save the reproductive organs which are often severely damaged condition.
About one in 80 is increased ectopic pregnancy in one of sixty, sixty women over thirty years. number of ectopic pregnancies has tripled over the past two decades. factor that may be delaying fertility patterns in women. If left untreated embryos in the fallopian tube can rupture and halve the possibility of pregnancy.
Currently, a blood test and ultrasound is used to detect errors, but these techniques are not appropriate in the first stage and subsequent pregnancies. However, a blood test may be appropriate in only three weeks of pregnancy. This would allow women and acute surgery to remove dirt and reduce the chances that the damaged fallopian tube.
a blood test checks for the four indicators in the blood that is a sign of ectopic pregnancy, is developed by doctors at the University of Pennsylvania Medical United States. This possibility could be that of a test in early pregnancy could use to identify the ectopic pregnancy, said Dr. Marie Rausch.
If the ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed definitively could have cured immediately, he said, while addressing the American Society for Reproductive Medicine meeting in Denver, Colorado. About forty percent of women with ectopic pregnancy usually can not have children later.
This test is potentially useful for the investigation at the beginning. It would be appealing to determine whether these results are promising, they are borne in large study, said Patrick O'Brien, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
Alcohol is more harmful than heroin
A study published in the medical journal The Lancet found that alcohol is more harmful than heroin. The snuff and cocaine are considered equally harmful than ecstasy and LSD are among the least harmful. Member of the group joined the experts scored each product based on the harm, including physical and mental suffering, crime, drug costs for the economy and communities.
It was concluded modeling and amphetamines heroin, crack cocaine and methyl were the drugs most harmful to humans. But alcohol, heroin and crack are the most harmful to others. When the scores of the two types of damage in addition, alcohol appears to be the most harmful drug after heroin and crack.
The divergent results scamper to drug benefit long-standing administrative documentation, but the authors of the periodic report that their system based on expert consensus provides an accurate assessment of damages for policy makers.
Their findings reinforce the work done in the UK and the Netherlands, confirming that the current systems of classification of drugs have a modest relationship to demonstrate prejudice. Also, consistent with the conclusions of expert reports earlier said the orientation effects of alcohol is a valid public health policy and necessary to explain the Professor David Nutt, the former chief drug adviser in the UK.
Alcohol has been ranked three times more harmful to cocaine or snuff in the new scheme more complex. Ecstasy is considered to cause harm eighth of alcohol. It also contradicts the results of the Ministry of Interior to the alleged legal high mephedrone a class B drug, saying that alcohol was five times more harmful.
The list was published to coincide with a symposium on drug policy. What is a conference on drug policy may seem dependent on the set of problems to themselves or others, try to reduce. But if you take a total loss, then alcohol, heroin and cocaine are much more dangerous than all the others, added Professor Nutt.
Leisure time workout can keep depression at bay
The risk of depression can be halved by physical activity, but only if the sweat accumulates in leisure. The research team at King's College London have found that people who work regularly are much less likely to be depressed.
training services ut were not felt by people who used to work, for example, digging roads. To verify the benefits of working researchers studied more than forty thousand inhabitants of Norway. They were asked about their participation in the play of light and strength in their spare time.
The formation of light is defined as one that will not accompany differ sweating breathless or intense activity. They were also asked about their physical activity during work. All participants underwent a physical examination and expected answers to your questions to assess their levels of depression and anxiety.
The study results showed that individuals who participated in regular training, although moderate or severe, were less likely to have symptoms of depression. However, some exercise done only when it was part of leisure. Busy people in the exercise of their leisure time, were less likely to be depressed.
People who were not aggressive in free time were more than twice as likely to suffer from depressive symptoms than the most energetic, said the study published in the British Journal of Psychiatry. Their study showed that people who engage in regular exercise all the intensity of leisure are less likely to have symptoms of depression, said lead researcher Dr. Samuel Harvey.
He said the situation in which training takes place is important and that the social benefits associated with training, such as increasing the number of friends and social support are more critical to understanding how the exercise may be associated with mental health, more than any biological indicators of fitness.
Moderate alcohol consumption may help heart bypass patients
Men who undergo heart bypass operation could deduce that should not drink. But the new study recommends that moderate consumption after major surgery may have beneficial effects. The research team at the University of Rome, found that patients who had bypass two drinks a day after the surgery requires fewer cardiac events compared with abstainers.
Moderate alcohol consumption was associated with the twenty percent reduction in additional heart attacks, strokes and cardiac events. The health benefits of moderate drinking had already been documented in healthy individuals. However, his research showed benefits of moderate alcohol consumption in bypass patients, said study author Dr. Umberto Benedetto, University of Rome La Sapienza.
At the same time, the study also showed that bypass patients who had the habit of excessive drinking as six or more drinks a day were twice as likely to die of heart problems. In a study by Italian researchers used a questionnaire to assess alcohol consumption in more than a thousand men who underwent coronary bypass surgery.
The clinical history of patients was reviewed by more than three years. There was no association between unfavorable moderate alcohol consumption and intake of any drug taking, said the study presented at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association in Chicago.
It is recommended by the American Heart Association that men are limited to two drinks per day and women should be limited to one drink per day. They believe that excessive consumption of alcohol can increase blood pressure and may have other adverse effects in the body.
New cervical test could save thousands of lives of women
Dramatic improvements in test procedure for uterine cervical cancer could save the lives of thousands of women. This test gives results a day and is much more accurate than the test currently used to mark the first signs of the disease, researchers reveled in a new study.
The other advantage of the new test is that patients may need to be released after five years rather than every three years. Researchers believe that cytology provides a third of all cases of cervical cancer.
But unlike the spot checks for abnormal cells, the newer test called the Cobas test is able to identify the human papillomavirus that causes unusual cell growth. Therefore, the researchers believe it may pick up the cancer earlier and more consistent. Women would be able to obtain results the following day.
Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in young women and there are thousands of new cases each year. But often diagnosed late because survival rates are much lower than other types of cancer. Since the 1980 all women over twenty-five is recommended to have a cervical smear every five years.
The new Cobas which is developed by Roche drug is similar to a Pap test. This test analyzes a small sample of cells from the cervix of a woman. Then, some researchers Cobas machine for some HPV strains known to cause cervical cancer.
These women have found that the virus would be referred to the following test to determine whether tumors had developed. In a trail conducted in more than forty-seven thousand women over thirty years of age by U.S. and British researchers, found the HPV virus collected in the ten patients who had given the green light after a test .
Up to one third of women diagnosed with cervical cancer smears were normal. They believe that this new test could detect cancer in the vast majority of women, said Dr. Thomas Wright, of Columbia University in New York.
Combination of drugs against the survival rate for breast cancer study Elevators
The Seattle Times reports that this is the first time such a drastic improvement observed in the trials of hormonal therapy frontline in the fight against breast cancer metastasis. Dr. Julie Gralow, director of the Division of Breast Medical Oncology at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, and co-author of the study, said:
"We find many other ways to treat these breast cancers with estrogen receptor positive, which does not include chemotherapy."
The two drugs, anastrozole (Arimidex brand) and fulvestrant (Faslodex brand), are called endocrine therapy, because they work through the action of a hormone (estrogen). Gralow said that about three-quarters of women with breast cancer and metastatic breast cancer whose tumors respond to estrogen. Both drugs are effective as anastrozole stops estrogen synthesis and the works of fulvestrant on estrogen receptors.
Gralow said that although these treatments do not cure breast cancer, however, are of great progress in the field of endocrine therapies and drugs for breast cancer. She said:
"We're trying to move away from toxic therapies, non-specific, such as chemotherapy, and better understand how they can affect estrogen receptors and their means and get even better results than chemotherapy with fewer side effects secondary. This is where we will treat breast cancer. "
RTT reports that Dr. Kathy Albain, principal investigator of the study, his team studied 707 postmenopausal women with breast cancer in hormone receptor positive. Metastatic They found that, on average, women who received both drugs against breast cancer lived 6.4 months longer than those who received one. Albain said:
"This is the first study to show that hormone therapy alone, without chemotherapy improves survival in advanced breast cancer. This will most likely change the standard of care for the way we treat these patients. "