When you must stop the massage
Some massage schools that teach students the proper way to massage. For my part, was once one of these students. I find everything good draping techniques to what was discussed during the session. Unfortunately, there are some massage therapists that are not exactly the rules. Once I heard some friends about the many massage gone wrong. This could damage the reputation of massage therapists and other people do and is more concerned about massage off and thinking of getting one.
If you are a veteran or a beginner massage, do not be afraid. Getting a massage is something to worry though, you should educate yourself about what could go wrong during the massage session and learn to always trust your instincts.
You're too exposed
With the exception of his hands, neck and head must be completely covered with paper and / or blanket. Only one body part being massaged should be open. professional massage should be exposure of a body part, taking care to slide the paper in a way that protects you. A very small slip of paper may be excusable, depending on your comfort level, however, often open an excuse.
Contact with private plots
This guidance is consistent with professional massage techniques necessary to practice outside the area to focus on being massaged. If during the process that often feels as if beaten very close to the last session.
No areas of prevention Avoid You asked
You have the right to tell your therapist which areas you want to avoid being massaged, such as the face, legs or thighs, the choice is yours. The expert must make every effort to listen and avoid specific areas. If you still do not run with your request, then you have the right to terminate the session.
The pressure is too painful or too worried
Before the session, the therapist must be prepared for the pressure. Once the session begins, you should be able to communicate more or less pressure on the pressure and your therapist. If at any time your therapist gives too much pressure for sure, it is painful or uncomfortable, and does not seem to solve the problem, no matter what the situation is to do so, then this can cause problems.
Non-Stop Talking Business
It is normal for a professional massage to ask specific questions during the session, for example: "How is the pressure?" Or "what areas have had problems with? But when a company is talking to his request for detention, making it difficult to relax and enjoy the session.
No gender preference distribute your professional
Normally, when you call and make your selection of massage establishment must bear in mind that if you prefer professional man or woman, if both are available. It should also be able to distinguish right on the phone to be your therapist. If, for some time to get there and see that you do not have your favorite genre for a professional, you can (and should) ask the reception. You also have the right to continue the session.
Follow these tips to help
If for some reason, these events must occur at the meeting should be held responsible for paying for services received, especially because it is rare. Perhaps to avoid some of these questions, here are some tips:
only to the areas that have been known
request that the school of therapists who have attended / graduated
ask for the license / certification and years of experience
company investigating allegations made against him and why
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