One of my patients came to see a couple of weeks complaining of feeling too tired - not "dream tired," as he describes, but with a real sense of fatigue.
The diagnosis of diabetes
At 62 against, had been relatively healthy until then and had a moderate lifestyle. Ask a series of pertinent questions a few, I found that in recent times was a little more thirsty than before and also need to urinate more often than usual. After a quick check-up that sent blood tests - and was not surprised when the test results was confirmed to have diabetes early.
He was upset, not by diagnosis, so we scheduled a few days later, a meeting during which I spent some time explaining to him and his wife, which means having diabetes and what they must do to effectively control the disease. It is interesting, but it is no surprise, found that not only his father but two of his paternal uncles and his older brother was diabetic. All had been diagnosed with the disease in their early fifties, with the exception of his elder brother who had developed diabetes when he was only 48.
Family history of diabetes
One of the most important features of diabetes is that if either of your parents was a diabetic, then you have a higher risk of contracting the disease compared to someone who has no family history of diabetes. Like many other similar diseases such as asthma and high blood pressure - that works with the genes.
But the important thing to know is: If you get diabetes depends on your genes - but when you get diabetes depends on your lifestyle. In the case of my patient, who had inherited genes would certainly be put at greater risk of contracting the disease in the family as the rest of the population - but unlike his brother, who had absolutely no care of that he ate and drink, and whose only exercise was to raise a glass to his lips (that exercise is often delivered), this man had taken care to eat healthy foods, I had avoided gaining weight as he grew into middle age and drank more alcohol than beer is very relaxed.
Changes in the style of diabetes
The length of time that each of the two brothers took the disease to manifest that the two were at risk of developing could be attributed to the difference in the case of lifestyles.In brother, forcing you to change your lifestyle today would a bit like trying to get an aircraft carrier to back down in mid-ocean. This is a task that can be done, but a task that is not easy and should be done very slowly, a few degrees at a time. Habits that are rooted in decades are very difficult to change in a few cases weeks.In of my patient, however, take charge of their newly manifested diabetes should be relatively easy. It has already careful what you eat - because education to a greater extent than is good for diabetics and foods should be avoided is simply a matter of bringing it into contact with the teacher the right .
A couple of consultations with a nutritionist should be good needs.Similarly everything, I did not need to tell you to cut in alcohol, since alcohol consumption is already so low that not much can be reduced. All I had to do was to explain the importance of exercise that motivates him to start getting serious regular exercise on a regular basis - and all it requires is beyond a small dose, one pill to help keep your blood sugar under control in the foreseeable future.
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